Release date: 30 September, 2024
- Feature: [ELN] – The image editor in the ELN has been replaced with a completely new image editor, providing a better image editing experience.
- Feature: [Inventory] – Enhanced GxP compliance by adding the option to export the Audit Trail for Equipment.
- Feature: [Inventory] – Sample Check-out status is now visible as a column in the Sample Views.
- Improvement: [Inventory] – The Audit Trail for Samples can now be exported to Excel and CSV formats.
- Improvement: [Inventory] – Search functionality now allows searching by location or compartment using associated IDs.
- Improvement: [Inventory] – Advanced Search now supports exporting samples to Excel.
- Improvement: [Inventory] – Filter settings are now retained for future use.
- Improvement: [Inventory] - Various minor improvements and fixes.
- Improvement: [API] – Added a new API endpoint to update equipment status in bulk.
- Improvement: [API] – Added a new API endpoint to merge sample series.
- Improvement: [System] – Security headers have been enabled to improve the application's security score.
- Improvement: [System] – The password reset and "Forgot Password" functions now generate a 12-character password, even if a lower minimum password length is set.
- Improvement: [System] – Multiple accessibility improvements aligned with WCAG guidelines.
- Fix: [Add-on] – Reintroduced support for the =NOW() function in date fields when using the Barcode Automation add-on.
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