- Improvement: [Projects] – Project groups are now listed alphabetically in the project filter in the Study List.
- Improvement: [Inventory] – Improved natural sorting in the Inventory browser tree.
- Improvement: [System] – The SAML login message received when users are not allowed to login has been styled.
- Improvement: [Protocols] – Protocol variables are now sorted per step in the protocol formula editor to improve usability.
- Fix: [API] – Solved an issue in the POST /api/v1/projects call that caused an error when creating projects.
- Fix: [Inventory] – Section visibility conditions were not working correctly causing fields to become visible in certain cases.
- Fix: [Inventory] – Compartment types could not be removed from a storage unit configuration in certain cases.
- Fix: [System] – Various minor improvements and fixes.
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Experiment management
Inventory management
Improved collaboration
Protocol management
Research workflow management