- Improvement: [Add-on] – Several improvements for the ChemAssist add-on
- Improvement: [Marketplace] – Improved authentication security for oAuth 2.0 authentication in dedicated installations.
- Improvement: [Add-on] – Downloaded files from OOS add-on sections are have the section name in case it was started as a new file.
- Improvement: [Inventory] – Values in options fields are now sorted alphabetically when setting up search conditions in the advanced sample search.
- Fix: [Marketplace] – Solved an issue that a free trial for paid add-ons could not be started in certain cases.
- Fix: [Inventory] – Validation for SMILES was not working correctly when updating samples in batch with the ChemAssist add-on.
- Fix: [Inventory] – The option to edit samples in batch was not displayed for users without permissions to change the sample owner.
- Fix: [Inventory] – Dropdown menus were not displayed correctly and could not be copied when updating samples in batch.
- Fix: [Marketplace] – Solved an image scaling issue in the install add-on dialog.
- Fix: [System] – Several other minor fixes.
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