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Marketplace extends eLabJournal with free add-ons

Modern electronic lab notebook systems, like eLabJournal, must be simple, intuitive, and easy to use. Given the great diversity in life science research, including all workflows and software applications used, the number of features in eLabJournal would grow exponentially to support the workflows of all labs in the best possible way. As a result, the software will become less intuitive and less user-friendly.

To avoid becoming a complex electronic lab notebook system, and at the same time, provide more flexibility to tailor the functionality of the ELN to the needs of every lab, eLabJournal now includes a Marketplace. The eLab Marketplace is a digital catalog with a collection of software add-ons that extend the functionality of eLabJournal that has been launched in this version.

  • Feature: [System Admin] – New system setting to enforce approval of add-ons prior to installation for add-ons that have been fetched from public repositories.
  • Feature: [System Admin] – New system setting to set automatic retrieval of new and add-on updates from public add-on repositories.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – Improved flow for editing add-ons installed in the system.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – Add-on assets and installation scope are now automatically set when manually installing an add-on update in the system.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – Add-on versions are now grouped in the list system installed add-ons.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – The “Apps and Connections” of DYMO, ZPL, and Mendeley have been migrated to the marketplace as user add-ons.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Add-ons now display a product compatibiltiy labels for eLabInventory and eLabJournal.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Various visual improvements when loading and installing add-ons in the marketplace.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Improved display of add-ons with eLabConnect support and when the add-on configuration has been set.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Improved display of the private add-on and changed logic to only display this for add-ons to which access is restricted.
  • Improvement: [System Admin] – Added notice and check when deleting add-ons as a system admin.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Various minor improvements in the marketplace.
  • Improvement: [Marketplace] – Improved add-on configuration dialog to visualize complex configurations correctly.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Fix display / styling issues of the add-on configuration in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Various minor fixes in the marketplace.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Fixed issue that prevented the correct upgrading of the add-on in certain cases.
  • Fix: [Marketplace] – Improved notice when a user does not have permission to uninstall add-ons.
  • Fix: [Permissions] – Add-on permissions were not displayed in eLabInventory and eLabProtocols.
  • Fix: [Inventory] – Linked samples are now correctly displayed when included in the custom table view for a sample series.

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