
eLabNext and ABI-LAB Announce Strategic Partnership to Foster Innovation in Life Sciences

2 min read 24 Jul 2024

eLabNext, a leading provider of digital lab management solutions, and ABI-LAB, a premier life sciences incubator located in Natick, MA, have announced a strategic alliance aimed at driving innovation and supporting the growth of life sciences startups.

Under this pioneering collaboration, eLabNext will provide cutting-edge digital lab management solutions to the ventures and residents of ABI-LAB, empowering them to streamline their workflows and accelerate their R&D.  

“We are excited to partner with ABI-LAB to support Massachusetts’ vibrant life sciences community. I am excited to see the innovative biotech community outside of Cambridge continue to grow. We are happy to be part of it. By combining our expertise in digital transformation and prepping labs for data analysis using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), we can empower startups to drive scientific discoveries and achieve their full potential.”

Zareh Zurabyan, Head of eLabNext, Americas

As part of the partnership, ABI-LAB tenants will benefit from:

  • Access to Innovative Solutions: Residents will have access to eLabNext’s advanced digital lab management tools, including their electronic lab notebook (ELN), laboratory information management system (LIMS), and sample/inventory management software to optimize research and process development workflows.
  • Exclusive Incentives and Discounts: All ABI-LAB residents can access tailored incentives and exclusive discounts on eLabNext products and services.
  • Educational and Collaborative Opportunities: Residents will be able to participate in co-hosted events, workshops, and training sessions focused on research digitalization, automation, and AI.
  • Visibility and Promotion: Startups will gain exposure through guest contributions on eLabNext’s website and social media platforms, along with opportunities for features in case studies and promotional content.

“We are thrilled to partner with eLabNext to provide our residents with access to cutting-edge digital lab management solutions. Our goal is to remove operational obstacles that interfere with innovation. This partnership will enable our residents to optimize workflows, streamline processes, and focus more on their R&D efforts.”

Dan Diggins, Director of Partnerships & Marketing at ABI-LAB

ABI-LAB’s life science campus will grow with the addition of ABI-LAB 3, a 35,000 ft2, state-of-the-art lab facility, in November 2024. ABI-LAB is currently home to 45 resident companies, each operating its own private lab space within their two incubator buildings, ABI-LAB 1 and ABI-LAB 2. Residents of ABI-LAB receive access to an array of amenities as part of their tenancy, including advanced instruments in ABI-LAB’s Innovation Lab, routine equipment such as freezers, incubators, and biosafety cabinets, IBC permitting, and access to a portfolio of partner resources and benefits.


ABI-LAB is a life science campus comprised of multiple incubator buildings for biotech companies of all sizes. Their state-of-the-art facilities are designed to support startups and small companies with move-in ready, private lab space, ranging from 500 ft2 to 1,000 ft2. ABI’s modular design and flexible terms allow growing and established companies to configure space ranging anywhere from 1,000 ft2 to 8,000 ft2. In November of 2024, ABI-LAB will open their next incubator building, adding 35,000 ftto their existing 105,000 ft2

For more information about ABI-LAB, please visit

Press contact
Dan Diggins
Director, Partnerships & Marketing

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