
How Will Systematic AI Use Impact the Biotech Industry?

By Zareh Zurabyan 10 min read 04 Jul 2024

The Beginner’s Guide to Managing an Antibody Collection

Here are the top providers of antibodies in the biological R&D space, their primary applications in research, and best practices for managing a collection of antibodies.

By Zareh Zurabyan
7 min read 01 Jun 2023

Como a digitização pode otimizar os laboratórios na América Latina

Do caderno de anotações ao software de gerenciamento, a migração do papel ao digital é global, e acontece em todas as áreas. 

By eLabNext
4 min read 18 May 2023

How to Choose Between an ELN and a LIMS for Life Science Research

Curious about the differences between ELN and LIMS? Gain valuable insights to help you navigate your selection process & find the ideal solution for your lab.

By eLabNext
5 min read 11 May 2023

7 Great Leadership Qualities to Drive Your Lab’s Digital Transformation

Leaders can come from anywhere within an organisation in the life sciences, where innovation and adaptation are essential.

By Zareh Zurabyan
5 min read 04 May 2023

Solving QC Lab Challenges by Going Digital: A Focus on Sample Tracking and Data Management Woes

The essence of a successful and well-functioning quality control (QC) lab lies in the name itself.

By Alisha Simmons
3 min read 27 Apr 2023

Exploring Sustainable Lab Solutions in the Life Science Sector

Dive into the transformation of sustainability lab practices with digital solutions. Find out how to create a more sustainable lab for the future of life sciences.

By Viktoria Merkei
6 min read 21 Apr 2023

‘ELN is de toekomst van labdigitalisering’

Softwaresystemen als LIMS (laboratorium-informatiemanagementsysteem) en ELN (elektronisch labjournaal) verrijken de mogelijkheden om labs te digitaliseren….

By eLabNext
4 min read 17 Apr 2023

Green Labs: Exploring Sustainable ULT Freezers and Beyond

Discover the path to a greener lab by embracing sustainability beyond the ultra-low temperature (ULT) freezer and developing a holistic cold storage solution.

By Jim Ford
4 min read 06 Apr 2023

Beyond Digitalisation: Data Integration as the Gold Standard

Digitalising your lab is just like your intent to exercise: It only happens when you accept the process and make it habitual.

By Jim St.Pierre
4 min read 30 Mar 2023

De-extinction: digital lab tech supports a mammoth project

Bringing back lost species will take a pioneering scientific effort — and the tools to leverage vast swathes of genomic data.

By eLabNext
5 min read 28 Mar 2023

10 Actionable Steps for Using AI in Your Research Lab

As more and more labs and organisations dip their toes into AI algorithm implementation, ensuring clear documentation, reporting, and analysis is critical.

By Zareh Zurabyan
6 min read 23 Mar 2023

10 Reasons You Should Digitise Your Lab Operations

Now more than ever, life scientists use digital tools to speed up timelines, work in a decentralised way, and keep data secure.

By Zareh Zurabyan
4 min read 20 Mar 2023

Digital Transformation in Life Science and Biotech R&D: A Look into the SoCal Bio Scene

Discover the impact of digital transformation in the biotech R&D through this guide. Explore SoCal’s bio scene & how digitalization is reshaping the industry.

By eLabNext
4 min read 16 Mar 2023

Introducing the Digital Lab Platform: What it is and Why it Beats One-Dimensional Software Solutions

It’s time to evolve beyond the “one-trick pony” platform and experience a better path to lab digitization.

By Zareh Zurabyan
3 min read 09 Mar 2023

HL7 Explained: Health Level 7 Standards, Messages and Integration in Healthcare

HL7 sets international standards for exchanging, integrating, sharing, and retrieving electronic health information.

By Carl Mahon
5 min read 02 Mar 2023

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